Tag: friends

Orange you glad you voted?

(I was present at the Calgary epicentre of the NDP on election night: what follows are notes from what it was like to be there, and what it seemed to mean. I’m not going into policies and mandates in this post… this about basking in the afterglow.)


Being in the Calgary NDP celebration felt historic; I watched people who’ve been fighting the good fight without hope of victory for decades become increasingly convinced that something was going to happen.

Everything was happening in the Arrata Opera Centre, an old converted church downtown. The main hall, usually used for opera rehearsals, had a projection screen showing results, with a gigantic pipe organ behind. Along with the domed ceiling and the old wood, this was a beautiful place to celebrate.

I saw a women wander away from the crowd watching the results, shaking her head with a hand over her mouth, in shock. She couldn’t believe it. She slowly wandered back, with a tiny smile she was slowly peeling open into something bigger.

I saw another woman who couldn’t help but jump up and down… she’d pause, see the results, and go again, like a pogo-stick version of a whirling dervish, overcome and expressing it physically.

It was an amazing night.


A Study in Horrible-ness (a Dr. Horrible ‘documentary’)

Find out what the henchman-on-the-street thinks of Dr. Horrible…

Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrXpWw8Tz5Q

This was my first foray into film-making, and I found I really enjoyed the process. That was assisted by no less than Dan Dumouchel from Perfect Pictures Inc, who made every step of it easy and fun. The quality of the product has a lot to do with the skill, craft and art he has at his fingertips.

Something fascinating was in watching this with an audience. Stuff that I only hoped was mildly entertaining got big laughs. Fortunately, so did the stuff that I actually thought was funny. Like a lot of art forms, you have to realize that by the time an audience watches it, it’s going to be a different beast than you thought it was on the page, while you were shooting, or even while editing.

It was invigorating. Addicting. Maybe I’ll have to do some more.

Hope you enjoy it.

Come see Natalie Meisner’s BEFORE THE TIDE

This show, as well as working on the Calgary production of Dr. Horrible, has been keeping me away from this blog for awhile… so it seems as fine a place as any to try to tell people all about it!

Theatre BSMT presents the world premiere of award-winning
playwright Natalie Meisner’s Before the Tide with
Artistic Director Designate at the helm.

CALGARY, AB – Theatre BSMT presents Before the Tide – a haunting new play by award-winning Canadian playwright, Natalie Meisner. Artistic Director Designate of Theatre BSMT, Jason Mehmel, produces the play which stars outgoing Artistic Director, Amy Dettling.

Before the Tide tells the story of Claire, a kayak instructor who makes a macabre discovery while on the water. Rich is the police sergeant she encounters as she tries to chart out the right course of action.  Confronted by due process and a string of coincidences, they learn that the riptide can pull you in directions you never intended. Playwright Natalie Meisner has been recognized with awards such as the Canadian National Playwriting Award and the Jessie Richardson Theatre Award.  Her brilliant and ground-breaking plays have been produced nationwide.

This production features some of the talents of Calgary’s emerging theatre professionals: Director and Set Designer Shane Anderson is partnering with acclaimed comic-book artist Fiona Staples <http://www.fionastaples.com/&gt; , and Sound Designer Greg Smith. The production is produced by Theatre BSMT’s Artistic Director Designate, Jason Mehmel and stars outgoing Artistic Director Amy Dettling and Calgary actor, Brian Doss.
Theatre BSMT is stretching the definition of emerging artists. With Fiona Staples and Greg Smith, we have two accomplished professionals in their particular fields, but had never brought those skills into the theatre space before. Actor Brian Doss returns to the craft after time spent away.

Jason Mehmel comes to Theatre BSMT as an eager and capable theatre professional having received his BFA in 2006 at the University of Calgary. He is currently the Treasurer for the Fight Directors Canada and was featured as Vertigo Mystery Theatre’s Emerging Director in 2008. He is thrilled to take his place as the new Artistic Director of Theatre BSMT for the 2010/2011 Season, and plans to make exciting and innovative changes to the company’s direction and mandate, while continuing to offer rewarding opportunities to emerging artists.

Outgoing Artistic Director Amy Dettling will be leaving Theatre BSMT to pursue her education and career goals in the field of Science! The company wishes her all the best in her exciting endeavors.

Before the Tide runs June 2nd – 12th, 2010 at the EPCOR Centre’s Motel. Tickets are available by calling 403-288-2384 or by emailing tickets@theatrebsmt.com. More information may be found at http://www.theatrebsmt.com <http://www.theatrebsmt.com/&gt; .

Share the Power

So, I’m lucky enough to know quite a few talented people, whom I get to get consider friends and associates. A lot of them blog, or have websites. Normally, I would just link to their addresses on the sidebar, but I figured I could do better, and take a bit of time to describe what makes their webspaces interesting…

The best kind of use of the internet is in not just creating links, but making those links have at least some point, some context. If I’m going to send you somewhere else on the web, I owe it to you to at least mention why.

So, to begin, and in no particular order at all, other than whatever order my current Firefox tabs happen to be in:

Nick. One of the members of Vicious Ambitious, and probably who most earns the latter word of that group. He has such a perfect blend of ambition and passion, and he only ever wants to become better at what he loves, which is comics and storytelling. I’ve worked on one story with him, and I’m looking forward to doing more. He’s also got great taste in books.

Fiona. Much of the art that occurs in mainstream comics these days comes from a similar cloth; the superhero art-fathers of the past. Kirby, Kane, Romita, (a host of others I’m doing a disservice by not remembering) and so their children, the artists of today, have styles that speak to those pasts. Fiona’s art shows a sense of style, an awareness of body language, and a quality of storytelling that is great comics, and is all her own.

Andrew. Andrew is a great writer of comics who finds a way to personally connect to every work of his that I’ve read. A lot of comics end up being more focused on the concept then the characters, and Andrew’s work never does that. His dialogue will replay in my head after reading, like many of the best writing.  (His blog is part biography, part rant, and part observation. With a dark sense of humour, I find myself always ready to follow where he’s leading.)

Anton. One of my fellow University of Calgary alum, and a fellow theatre artist around town here, Anton’s blog is full of exactly the same fun and thought-fullness Anton brings to a real-live conversation.  He’s also the person whose note inspired my Un-Facebooking post awhile back.

Thunderfist Productions. I’ve only met this crew recently, but took a shine to them immediately. A sense of humour, passion, and thorough good taste, these are guys that I’m looking forward to getting to know better.

The Waterworks. This is the blog and web presence of Scott Dutton, one of the friends who’s known me the longest. Scott is an extremely talented art director, designer,  illustrator, and someone who has also done some damn fine comics. Scott’s attention to craft and skill consistently push me to up my game in my own work.

Attoboy. The webspace of one Derek Mah, who is many things. An illustrator, web impresario/raconteur and basically someone who seems to have a thoughtful view on any subject I put to him. Often playful as well as interesting, it’s usually worth paying attention to what he’s got going on.

George Bailey Sees The World! This is a travel blog written by Dave Gagnier, who it turned out shares a common friend with me. We had probably known each other for almost a year before we discovered the connection. He’s currently teaching in Asia, and besides posting pictures, often writes thoughtful peices of the observations of the one taking the pictures.

I’ll leave it there for now; but this post will probably have a sequel in a month or so. I’m already drawing up that list; but if you feel you were missed, write me and let me know!

Un – Facebooking

Imagine seeing all your friends at once: photo by Cаvin 〄 at Flickr
Imagine seeing all your friends at once: photo by Cаvin 〄 at Flickr

My friend Anton (who blogs here)posted a note on Facebook, as a prelude to leaving it entirely. It’s written with feeling and concern, of having lost something due to how Facebook operates. His opinions felt like a very timely (and probably shared) feeling about Facebook specifically, and social networking in general. I felt the need to share that, and to react to it. His main points are a loss of privacy and control of our own information, how that information is perceived, the inherent devaluing of that privacy (and maybe the information as well) by sharing it, and the likewise devaluing of those we call friends, when the interaction only consists of short messages instead of longer conversations and visits.

I see his point. I also think it’s too late.

Facebook is already ubiquitous for most of it’s users; we check it with the same regularity as their e-mail. We arrange gatherings and meetups, post pictures of recent events, share opinions (such as this note) and play games. On top of this, Facebook keeps bringing new applications under it’s umbrella, and as it does, there will be less reason to go elsewhere… unless you’re following a link someone posted on Facebook.

I don’t expect Facebook to last forever. In the Darwinian cyberscape, I expect it will last until the next social networking program renders it obsolete. (For some, this has already happened in the form of Twitter.) The style of networking and socializing, though, will become even more of the same. More sharing, more connections, more contacts, and more visibility. Now that people have it, they won’t let it be taken away; this genie is out of the bottle and can’t be put back. The only reaction is to adapt to it.

Facebook is still under your control; some of the more annoying or repetitive updates can be turned off or ignored. The problems of not connecting to someone, or in letting your interactions become small, are not evils of Facebook. How it is being seen is up to the user. It’s their right and responsibility to be aware, of having let that word or image go out into the digital world when posting.  When you’ve got many people on your contacts list, it requires a new sort of discipline to focus on just one person, write them a longer message, or make the time to see them in person. I will agree that Facebook makes that very difficult, and makes it very easy to passively watch the updates roll in. But I can’t blame my mouse for clicking the homepage button…

Social networking programs demand a new set of social skills. A savvy awareness of how your profile update can be read, or remembering that writing on someone’s wall is a public act, whereas a message is a private one. A deeper reading or filtering of what other people are writing on their own updates, trying to get context from snippets of conversations over-‘heard’ through walls. These kinds of skills are going to be mandatory learning for some of us, and an intuitive understanding for others. It’s our right and responsibility to be aware, of  letting that word or image go out into the digital world when posting.

I’ll agree that Facebook possibly lowers the stock of the word ‘friend.’ There are many people I’ve added that I’ve only met in person once. The other side of this are the connections that are made, friendships that are fostered on Facebook conversations, relationships that might not have existed otherwise. The friends of friends can mean that you’ll meet someone you never would have spoken to, only because you’ve both arrived at the same event, invited through Facebook, and the somewhat youthful desire to define oneself by your standing in society. I would prefer the word ‘friend’ be changed to something like ‘contact,’ but part of this has to do with the college-themed origins of Facebook itself.

I’m content to embrace a wide definition of what I consider a friend, from those I’ve known for years and who know me well, to someone I had a great conversation with at a party. It’s those unpredictable connections that are actually the greatest strength of social networking programs. I’m not sure I’d want to lose the synchronicity and beautiful coincidence that Facebook can create. (Another friend of mine, Paula, seems to have perfected a kind of Facebook-status-update-poetry, by turns funny or fascinating. Even when we don’t have a chance to visit, I welcome this tiny dose of friendship from her to all of us, whenever it comes.)

As an example of the value of these random connections, I have made a recent connection with my sisters in Edmonton. That connection was made by my sister Katie with one of the coolest messages I’ve ever got, Facebook or otherwise: “hello jason. I believe that I am your sister.”  (I’m was raised an only child, so I was fairly thunderstruck to get a message like this.) It’s possible that we might have connected some other way, but Facebook made it very easy, and easy to keep connected across the vast distance of Calgary to Edmonton.

Facebook and how it’s used certainly changes how we deal with people in our lives. The sphere of influence we have, and the speed that it spreads, is something that we need to learn to get used to. For those of us in the arts, it’s practically mandatory as a way of getting the word out about a show or event.

Lastly, removing an emerging technology doesn’t necessarily mean the return of what it replaced. Getting rid of Facebook doesn’t mean that your connections to people become deeper or more meaningful, the same way that getting rid of your cell phone and land line won’t mean you’ll write more snail-mail letters.

I’ve invited Anton to respond to this in the comments; feel free to do the same. Or, you know, comment the note on Facebook…

(Anton’s post follows below.)

Goodbye Facebook. Please read this.

I wanted to explain myself quick before I go.
This sudden disillusionment with Facebook, and by extension all social networking tools (like Twitter) is because the complete and total disregard of privacy. And I’m not talking at all about these ideas linking Facebook to the CIA and other intelligence organizations. Nor am I particularly worried that anything we post on this site becomes property of Facebook, pictures, stories, notes, and the results of those awful quizzes.
Social networking tools share everything with everyone. I am awed by how the notion of privacy is skewed by these sites. There is such a false sense of privacy on these kind of sites. They broadcast our minute thoughts and feelings to a legion of seemingly faceless followers. Indeed there are ways of policing our profiles, making only certain things visible to certain people. And I encourage anyone deciding to remain posted here to meticulously look at your privacy settings and make sure you know who is able to see what. But here are the dangers as I see them: status changes, relationship status updates, etc. bare you in ways you can’t expect. No one knows from where the comments spring from, be they in sarcasm, anger, jest, or honesty. A simple comment can be misconstrued by a friend or colleague; a comment intended in jest only can be seen as hurtful or even slanderous.
Our privacy is not a commodity. It deserves more of our respect. It deserves to be spent with those we choose. I would like to see a move towards a much more human way of communication. To have real friends and to cultivate those relationships. Take back the word “friend” and see it for what it is. A friend is not someone you knew once but don’t talk to anymore. A friend is not someone you add. A friend is not someone you only keep tabs on during 15 minutes of downtime at work or before bed.
Here is a quick update for you: I will be leaving for Europe on July 18 to return August 18. I may reactivate my account at that time. I need to see just how much this site has affected how I keep in touch with the world. I really do not want Facebook to have been the only means of communication, and I do not want to lose contact with some wonderful people I have found here. My email is ******@***. My phone number is ***-***-****. My Skype ID is ***. I will answer every email and call and I look forward to hearing from you and not losing touch.
Please take a moment to consider how Facebook and other social networking tools affect your life. If they enrich it, I am very happy. But consider this: if you take the time you spend on these sites and use it to develop the relationships to the friends and family in your life, you might be so much happier for it. Use your privacy wisely, and spend it on/with the people that matter.
Send me your email addresses and phone numbers!! And tell everyone I know to do the same. I’ve relied on this too long and probably don’t have them. Terrible. And spread the word if you feel it should be spread.